When I say “back with a bang”, I’m not only back from a 3 months hiatus from blogging,but also from a setback in my family and thus life. Each one of us loathes setbacks and tries hard to erase them out of our memory’s labyrinth. However, we forget that it is these setbacks that teach us valuable lessons and life skills. I look upon setbacks in my life as milestones: significant points of development in ones life. From an understanding and awareness of our own strengths, weaknesses and potential, to seeing a different side to us, to sifting the wheat from the chaff; as in telling fair and honest people from the black sheep (people who put on facades) and so on.
It was a lazy afternoon on Jan 2nd 2009, a day after ushering in 2009 with all pomp and splendor; Christmas and new-year hangover was still running high. I was on leave and trying to get a quick siesta at 3 pm. I was making the most of my break from college and work. My eyelid were heavy and was falling asleep but was intercepted by phone calls from office and friends. The day turned awry and continued so for about a week. My dear brother, who suddenly became dearest, met with a fatal accident, when he fell off from Hunk (bike), while returning home from college. He survived benign head injuries, broke his arm and battled for his life, for about two days at Yashoda (hospital), Secunderabad. The day he didn’t return home, the house was wearing a deafening silence. I was upset and restless. On the day of the accident, when he was being flitted in and out of CT Scans, tests and X-rays, a ventilator was manned and maneuvered in tandem. A little lapse and it could cost his life. He was lying unconscious and at that moment we yearned to see him awake. Today, 2 months down the line, he is not only alive and awake but also enthusiastic of his newfound life. We had lost and found him. He was discharged within a week and the ordeal was over as we did not throw up our hands in despair. The two sustaining human resources: faith in God and hope prevailed and brought him back.
Even now, as I pen down this post at 10:40 pm, we are waiting for him to return from his brief outing with friends. He is hale, healthy and all set to give his final year graduate exams and the three of us are back to our routine regimen.
The key takeaways are-
i)Reinforcement of the fact that family comes first and is above the other priorities of life.
Love for my brother has grown tenfold today. He is the first person for whom I have wept for two days and nights.
ii)I value and honor my parents much more than I used to before. We take our parents for granted and often holler at them. We think it is our birth right to do so. Now, I do not howl and scream anymore when I don’t get my way (I often do). I try to see sense in their counsel.
iii)The rapport and bond as a family only fortified.
iv)My faith in God is now seamless and boundary less.
I owe my gratitude to and pray for my extended families, cousins and friends who stood by us like a rock and prayed for my brother. It was indeed a great beginning to ring in the New Year!
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