I must say that Life is sometimes a Conundrum one cannot fathom. It is more so when life becomes perfunctory and mundane. What if you enjoy and thrive on what you do? Will it still become monotonous? Monotony is one thing we all face at some point of time or other albeit you might have the world at your feet.
Though I revel in what I do, sometimes it is reduced to monotony. I feel like a robot and machine when I go about my mechanical chores. Then there are times like this moment which makes me want to ask: will I be able to do the juggling act between college and work? I wake up at 7:30 am, exercise, morning ablutions followed by breakfast and then I scramble off my feet to college.
There’s no denying that I do enjoy college like I had mentioned umpteen times in previous Posts. Having said that, college equally riles me up. Since it’s a significant university, it’s apparently soaked in countless events: Seminars, Book launches, frequent boycotts (mighty relived that now we get to see less of it. Touchwood), Blood donation camps and the icing on the cake is when our best-in-class professors travel to places and countries (9 out of 10 times, US of A), leaving us unattended. Atleast a quarter of the entire syllabus; we are unfortunately left to fend for ourselves. That’s how it works at OU Dude! One irony we all are disgruntled about is when we make it to college, we barely have classes. And when we take a breather, classes ply in full swing! Linguistics is the last class for the day and I excruciatingly attended 3 to 4 classes hitherto since July. It’s a bloody waste of a course and time. How I wish we had a language instead. Perhaps Spanish as I know French already.Komal enrolled herself for Spanish classes outside college. I’m happy for her. I wish I could do it too but my cup is already surfeiting… Or another course like ELT or creative writing would have been great. But destiny had different plans.
I therefore don’t stay for the last class and prefer to leave to work. I morph into a clock again: Travel to work, boot up my Laptop (it takes atleast 5 to 7 min). While it boots up, I quickly rush to freshen up, come back, check my e-mails, chalk out a checklist for the day and I quickly grab a bite for lunch. Nevertheless I ensure that I accomplish ‘things-to-do’ on my checklist before I leave for the day. I wind up by 9:30, take the cab, commute to home, have dinner and sleep.
I preen over the fact that I’ve the Best-of-both World’s; I’m happy and content with this phase of life; I study and pay my own fees and things like that. Having said that, juggling between both worlds is certainly not a walk in the park. I will tell you with experience that it takes tons of patience, perseverance because there are kinks and shackles you face and above all will-power. Both college and work are on par in my priority list. However I do show laxity in college matters. Work is a serious business comparatively because if your work is not done, you are fired! As far as college goes, you can get laidback and get away with it. Tomorrow and day after I have internal assessments: 10 objective type questions. Sounds easy but you should atleast know an inkling of it. I literally didn’t touch my books; how will I when I didn’t buy any of them.
Look at me, I’m so SHAMELESS. I’m blogging instead of studying though I know well that Linguistics is a staggering challenge. More so because I can’t stand it. Will study in some time. Striking a balance is vital as both worlds need undivided attention! Semester I- I was carefree about it and scored 64%. Semester II-I planned well and put in some efforts and it did pay off. Outcome: 70%. One need not freak out but learn to do one thing at a time. Life is a book and we all need to live one chapter at a time. I apply the same formula to college and work. When I’m at college, I put my best foot forward and when at work, I respect deadlines. Thus it is imperative to get the balancing act right or else not one but both worlds will peter out!
PS: I wish I could write and publish some more Posts but I need to hold off on this for now as I have to crack Linguistics paper tomorrow, though I have aversion to it. You see, I’m getting the balancing act right...
The Blog name is eponymous as it is ostensibly about the world I traverse with my family, friends, college and work.Catch me engaging my intellect with the world around in some penetrating discourses. Perhaps inscrutable though not always.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Sex Erudition or Exploration??-Part II

One-for-One I think is the best option in curbing down the high incidence of AIDS. Sex is something done at an age when one is married. Nobody can teach you. Finally imparting Sex education is like arming Bush with information that Saddam Hussein has biological weapons, who in his immaturity went forward to wage a war with Iraq without being sure of it. If this is the plight of a forty five plus, then what about the teenagers??
The last argument that we postulated was a seamless conclusion as it ends in a question. The above piece like I had mentioned is just mine. My friends Niharika and Dwithya had oodles to talk about being against Sex education in educational institutions. We channeled all our energies to work towards one goal: Win the debate competition. So we might be FOR Sex education but had to fight AGAINST as we had no choice. I don’t know what views they hold personally but 4 years down the line today and perennially I advocate AGAINST Sex education in schools and colleges. This is something that should be imparted at home by parents without any inhibitions or second thoughts and also freedom from embarrassment. The prime support system for any student/individual is his parents and family. Parents should take charge and guide their wards instead of hushing/pushing it under the Carpet. If they don’t, it is congenital that the kids will seek for it elsewhere and thereby fall back on unreliable sources that will only cause more harm than good!
PS: I still have my essays/debates written on archaic paper (4 yrs back and older also) that will shred if you hold it hard. I’m glad I have this put up on the Blog so that I needn’t worry incase it shreds into pieces. Thoughts, suggestions, jibes, scorn are more than welcome! People do let me know whats your take on it…
Sex Erudition or Exploration??-Part I

Sex education is imparting education about human anatomy, usage of organs and nothing more. Nobody ever tells you where you do it, how you do it and when you do it? But the modern scenario begs to differ. Todays youth fall a prey to the media and are exposed to the precautions of avoiding pregnancy and Aids like Condoms, Diaphragms, Pills, Spermicide and so on through Television, Newspapers, Magazines and the like; which depict Sex as the most pleasurable thing: An ECSTASY.
First I would like to pose a question as to why there is an alarming rise in AIDS? One of the major reasons for the high incidence of AIDS is casual Sex and why is there casual Sex? It is pervasive because teachers impart vague information to the students and thus they heed to casual Sex. Therefore by imparting Sex education, teachers put the students in adult situations which give them an impetus to make adult choices. It’s loading the child with information and depriving them of using it which can be connoted as nothing but giving the child a lollipop and asking them not to eat it! Let’s face it, the Western culture too is looking at the East for means and ways to reinstate morality and ethics back into their ethical system. Conservative India, has always taught its people especially women to be chaste, pure and most of all to be loyal to one partner throughout your life. The teenagers find it comfortable to receive such information from their parents than teachers. One gets to learn about the scientific hogwash but its infact the parents who can put the kids at ease without being embarrassed. Let’s face it; the Teacher gets paid for it!
Infact a recent Survey by Times of India shows that teachers in government schools and colleges are given 5 months training classes to impart Sex education and win over their confidence so that they open up. The Survey also throws light on the fact that they are made to put their questions on the paper. The research says that many students came up with questions like gays, lesbians, masturbation and how many partners one can have Sex with. The Survey clearly states that when the boy asked the last question, the teacher put a straight face and was stupefied. She was unable to impart the apt information: Sex is a vast subject and in the course of imparting basic knowledge, there is a high possibility of mincing matters. This leads to half-baked knowledge which is a dangerous thing and that leads to casual Sex which further results in high incidence of AIDS subsequently. Hence by giving information, one is only pumping their curiosity and making them more inquisitive.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Sights I SEE...

I take the elevator to traverse from the fifth to the ground floor. The first thing I notice and hear, once I step out of the lift, is the swoosh of the brooms by Maids. A little further as I pace through the parking lot, my eyes fall upon the scalding coal Iron box that is being pressed against clothes by a dhobi. A dhobi is the Indian version of laundry. As I walk towards the gate, I meet the watchman who greets me for the day; the milkman who almost bumps into me and the Paper boy, on his Cycle, in a haste to deliver the last pile of Newspapers to the juxtaposed Apartment.
Of late, hiring Auto’s and getting the Auto driver to a negotiation is quite a challenge. It is the inflation that is making the world go clockwise and anti-clockwise. One Auto driver amongst many others, who drove past me, agrees to ferry me to the University. As I vroom towards the road, it’s the greenery that embraces me (already spoke dime-a-dozen about the sights and beauty of college in “Best Of Both Worlds” Post!)
The road from College to Work measures two kilometers. As I wade through the smothering traffic, it’s the bleating horns of the Vehicles that bludgeon my ears. The road is dotted with Restaurants, Gym, Bank, Florist, Sweets and a Bus Stop; bumper-to-bumper traffic is one of a kind that you cannot ignore.
'Jest' a sweet Memory!
I remember the moment when I whipped up a Coffee for my ailing Mom who was down with Flu. I was barely ten years and prepared a Coffee when she was snoring loud in a sound sleep.
This was my first ever when I scoured the Utensils in the Kitchen, to find the right bowl for Coffee. I felt like a Stranger in my own home. I had no cue in which boxes was Sugar and Coffee Powder stacked. I put the bowl on the Stove first; I at least knew how to light the Stove as sometimes I observed my Mom and Maid doing it. Next I filled the bowl with a glass of water and a half cup of milk in tow. After a long quest, I poured the coffee Powder and Sugar in the simmering Concoction. I carefully tip-toed to confirm if my Mom was sleeping and voila she was staring in my face and asked what I was doing. Before I could respond, she surmised that I was making Coffee. It’s the strong aroma of Coffee beans that woke her up.
The Coffee was not as bad as anticipated; teaspoon of Coffee and Sugar was not measured proportionately. I took away half teaspoon of Sugar and put an extra amount of Coffee Powder. Thank heavens… I made Coffee and not Tea!
PS: Coffee was not a herculean task as it was similar to mixing milk with milk powder and sugar. Had I made Tea, it could have been awful!
This was my first ever when I scoured the Utensils in the Kitchen, to find the right bowl for Coffee. I felt like a Stranger in my own home. I had no cue in which boxes was Sugar and Coffee Powder stacked. I put the bowl on the Stove first; I at least knew how to light the Stove as sometimes I observed my Mom and Maid doing it. Next I filled the bowl with a glass of water and a half cup of milk in tow. After a long quest, I poured the coffee Powder and Sugar in the simmering Concoction. I carefully tip-toed to confirm if my Mom was sleeping and voila she was staring in my face and asked what I was doing. Before I could respond, she surmised that I was making Coffee. It’s the strong aroma of Coffee beans that woke her up.
The Coffee was not as bad as anticipated; teaspoon of Coffee and Sugar was not measured proportionately. I took away half teaspoon of Sugar and put an extra amount of Coffee Powder. Thank heavens… I made Coffee and not Tea!
PS: Coffee was not a herculean task as it was similar to mixing milk with milk powder and sugar. Had I made Tea, it could have been awful!
Sense and Sensibility

To sense is to perceive by means of sense Organs: eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. We all are fascinated by varied sights, sounds, scents, taste and touch. Aesthetics form one of the nuances of writing and one can be responsive to and appreciate beauty through senses only. Hence one can write only when one’s senses are evoked!
William Henry Davis in his poem "Leisure" draws our attention to the very first line:
“What life is this full of care, we have no time to stand and stare…” Standing and staring at something is passé; one thing we don’t empathize with today’s modern scenario. Where on earth do we have time to stand and stare at the azure skies or the birds on the tree? We know that we are goofing up fatally on our health and yet we cannot wean away from our jet-setting and grueling schedules. At work we do say Cheers profusely on every win and accomplishment but how often do we appreciate the beauty around us and exclaim the sight of the sunrise and sunset? Samantha, the facilitator was driving the same point home and emphasized on senses that are indispensable to creative writing. One must have the patience to convince through the senses to write. Only when we were made to do some activities we could recount and recall a host of sights we come across in our daily existence.
Below is the list of my Favourites-
Sounds: Violin, Guitar, Piano, flowing River, Waterfalls, Raindrops, Chopper, rustle of Leaves, Sound of Swing, Cry of a Baby, swoosh of Brooms, Siren of a Train, Buzz at home, college and work.
Scents/Odours: Coffee, wet Mud, Petrol, Kerosene, Nail Polish, Oil Paints, Air Fresheners, Biryani and Armani.
Touch: Lap of my Mother, Hug from a friend, Pat from my Papa, Sand, Chiffon, Georgette, Lycra, Soft Sand (found in Desert).
Taste: Definitely will be what I eat and drink.
Sights: Sunrise, Sunset, Waterfalls, Dams, Scenic/Picturesque beauty, colossal ocean, Greenery, Boulevards, Sky Scrapers, Endless roads and seamless highways.
Any genre of writing especially poetry is often interspersed with the above things that we perceive through our senses. The word sense has many takers for definition. Apart from sense organs, intelligence, common sense, judgment, wisdom and sensibility are the ingredients that form the recipe for writing.
PS: People, do write to me about your favourite lists of Sounds, Scents, Sights, Touch and Taste. I also wrote “Sights I SEE” and “Jest a sweet Memory” in the Workshop.
They should be up in a few moments:-)
A Room Of One's Own

Writing is a writer’s rendition of what he perceives, thinks, feels and believes. It could be poetry, drama, novel, epic, plays, essays, short stories and now might I add blogging also. Francis Bacon, the immortal essayist, in who the idea of an essay found genesis mentioned in one of his prolific essays: “Of Studies” that “Writing makes a man perfect”. This is true though we perhaps overlook it. When we read, we might not absorb; but when we write, it is ingrained in our minds. An example one can most likely relate to is spellings of words. English comes with its own idiosyncrasies of rules and it is fraught with more exceptions than rules. When asked to spell an intricate word, all of us can’t get it right until we do a simulation of writing by groping our fingers on a table or any surface near to us.
What is already written I can refine and edit but it reaches the pinnacle when I witness an event/experience and thereby translate it into words in solitude. Isolation
from the world is must for me and for that matter a writer also. Solitude inspires a poet to write better as s/he locks the World out. Wordsworth meant what he stated in his famous lyrical Ballads:” Poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings and emotions recollected in tranquility”.
It is only when one is at peace with the mind; one can do justice to poetry and other genres of writing. In his timeless poem “Daffodils”, Wordsworth concludes
“For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with daffodils.”
Here it is tacit that the sight of Daffodils flits across in his mind’s eye, when in seclusion from the World.
To satiate the feminist in me, I have to quote Virginia Woolf who postulated a nugget of truth in her prose “A Room of One’s Own” She quips “A woman needs a room of ones own and 500 pound’s a year to write fiction”. This was written way back in the 19th century when women were snubbed behind the four walls of a Kitchen and education was a distant dream. She was one in a thousand women who had access to education because of her educated parents who encouraged education of a girl child.
Even an inkling of sound or commotion can hamper the flow of thought. Writing just doesn’t happen out-of-nowhere. An uninhibited thought process is the key to good writing. I cannot write about things I hold disdain for, yet I can write if my angst for things I dislike merits writing! Now that’s SCHIZOPRHENIA. The other day my Professor was saying that we all have split personalities. Will deliberate that at length sometime later. As s/he grows and hones skills a writer must also fine tune his/her mind to look at things differently. Why should the reader read your Story? They are multitudes who can write. But what sets you apart from the rest? This is the Question a writer should ask oneself!
This Post is getting longer and I can just go on and on…
Do not be surprised at my macabre love for writing as it is this that keeps me alive and going!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Rock on! : Revs up your Spirits...

I had gone to watch this movie for the first time in a Multiplex: Prasad’s; with Komal.She had watched it twice already and replied with a prompt yes, when asked to tug along with me.
Rock on, thankfully is refreshingly assorted from the run-of-the-mill genres of formulaic films. This is one movie that stands true to the contemporary times we are ensconced in. It holds a mirror to our life in its time, age, jet-setting lifestyle, relationships, career and its other facets. This small, independent movie resonates with an audience who can relate to it. I watch movies once in a blue moon. Did you know that a blue moon comes once in 17 years, according to folklore? Since I watch movies sporadically, I prefer to watch good ones with great music and a big star cast. Before watching Rock on, I had compunctions about a star-less movie but once it started, I could immediately connect; I savoured and relished each and every moment of it. There is nothing filmi about it. One can identify and empathize with the characters; be it Saakshi, Aditya, Joe, Debbie, Drummer and Rob.
The plot, treatment, setting and characters are meticulously woven to do justice to the contemporary scenario. The setting moves back and forth between the present and the past. Ego is the order of the day in today’s fickle world of relationships. We have ceased to be tolerant and hence even a slight injury to self-respect cannot be overlooked. It is these ego clashes that catalyze and trigger problems in Aditya and Joe’s lives. One hasty action of Joe leads him to an unsettled life. There’s Debbie, his wife, who by a cruel twist of fate ends up in Fish Business when she passionately yearns to be a Fashion Designer. We come across umpteen people who dream of making a mark in A, B, C career but land in a humdrum career as destiny had different plans. Drummer takes to Jewellery Business while the Pianist follows his heart.
Aditya carves a niche for himself in the Investment and Banking Industry. He’s a pro at it and finds himself at the pinnacle of success but his conjugal life is seeped in monotony. He gets hitched for the heck-of-it and thereby Work is a priority over his Wife. Saakshi, his quintessential wife, makes for a loving and caring wife who struggles to bring life to their lifeless and meaningless nuptial life. Aditya tries hard to run away from the untarnished memories of his past life but cannot. It is at this juncture, we get to see that bold side of Saakshi who confronts Aditya and throws a challenge of a near break-up incase he fails to breath life into their prosaic married life.
On the other hand, there is the other couple: Debbie and Joe who stand like a rock for each other; their love stands the test of times. This movie also looks beyond the teen romances of a happy ending. In real life, love need not culminate into marriage. It might not work if we want to remain rooted in our tradition, family and career. Aditya and his ex break up and 10 years down the line, live happy and fulfilling lives. In Aditya’s life, it’s of course Saakshi who is an eye-opener to his tasteless existence.
Music dances its way into the hearts of the audience. I just couldn’t stop tapping my feet! Farhan Akhtar has done a fantastic job as a singer in his first film as an actor. The movie leaves you with a message that its Passion and Will that makes a world of difference: Two ingredients vital to your success!
PS: Those of you, who hadn’t watched as yet, watch and live it up!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Languid Linguistics

At School the only subjects I thrived on was English, Social Studies, Value Education and Physical Training as in Games. At college I loathed Political Science and in P.G Linguistics is an ANATHEMA. Linguistics is the Science of Language, Phonetics, Morphology, Syntax etc. Like I had mentioned earlier, Mass Comm. and Linguistics were introduced as inter-disciplinary courses to increase employability. Mass Comm. is concrete and a ticket to a great career. I have no clue how linguistics will benefit us?? To make matters worse, our linguistics professor is a pain-in-the-neck.
Imagine the plight of a student who cannot comprehend what the professor is teaching about? The very purpose of that teaching is defeated. Our MA Class is a melting pot of not just different languages and religions but nationalities. Our professor has a predisposition to quoting examples in Telugu only. Being a Telugu I can understand. But how can my counterparts who can’t comprehend Telugu, relate to it?? The last straw: His English more often than not sounds like Telugu. Burgundy is pronounced as boor-gun-di. Bwahaha. The entire class broke into raucous laughter. I’m notoriously known for my boisterous laughter and my friends will vouch for that!
The other day, on Thursday, he delineated some 8 points out of which I hold dissenting views on two to three of them.
i.Apparently women make finer distinctions in colours: burgundy, crimson, beige etc.
I agree to disagree. The World has seen a string of Painters who are more of men than women. It is their aesthetic sense that makes them a class apart from the rest.
ii.Men interrupt more than women.
I don’t think on the same lines! Today’s women will put their foot down and say NO to things they can’t take.
iii. A woman’s discourse is more co-operative while a man is competitive. No way! If News is anything to go by, it is women who are giving a run to men’s money in every sphere of life. Gone are the days when women compromised. The new age woman is aberrant to the stereotype of someone who places others interests above hers.
Most of the points made above could perhaps be a consensus taken randomly or just conjectures. I’m reiterating that the gender equation today is not the same. It underwent a tremendous transition!
PS: Linguistics class certainly sucks with its nuances and an old man, might I say sexist also (his examples distinguishing men and women), who is giving us a taste of ennui. Poor us… But do we have an option?
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Evolution, Education and Empowerment-Part Two

OU never fails to surprise us with good packages. Apart from Lit, we have one paper each on Mass Communications and Linguistics. What better could I ask for? This initiative was introduced to increase the employability and we are proud to be the pilot batch. This Mass Comm. paper has enlightened me on the nuances of Comm. And thereby holds me in good stead and comes as a saving grace at work.
Given that experience and wisdom are essential to develop your mental, aesthetic and moral faculties, it is only through Instruction; one can fine tune these faculties.
Let me draw attention to those educated people who are apparently educated on paper only. In everyday life, the education they earned goes out of the window. The most customary are denizens who jump Signals with ease. Though the Hyderabad Traffic Police came up with whacky signs: “Only Bulls run, when they see Red”; it doesn’t seem to make an iota of sense to the senseless civilians. Another classic example is that of a dapper business man who spits pan out of the window from a swanky Sonata. I had no words when I beheld that sight.
With our evolution as Individuals through education and empowerment, come the trappings of pride and vanity. Vanity is one negative trait that grows despite nipping it in the bud. Hence I do frequent checks to rid myself of that. It’s the LAST thing I want on earth!
What can I do to contribute, to improve India’s literacy rate? Would like to tie up with literacy endorsing campaigns like Shiksha. Buy products where one rupee of the total sum of amount is put aside for children’s literacy. I will also encourage every poor child I come across, to pursue studies. I always wanted to sponsor a child’s education, one thing I want to champion ASAP. But will be able to do that on my next promotion as that will equip me with some Moolah to sponsor.
Will leave you with Food-for-Thought on education by two famous literary figures.
Education is not the filling of a pail,
But the lighting of a fire.
William Butler Yeats
Instruction ends in the school-room, but education ends only with life.
Frederick W.Robertson
Evolution, Education and Empowerment- Part One

CIA Worldfact book estimated in 2007 that overall World literacy rate stands at 82%, while India touches 61.0%. Mighty relieved that India’s score is at least average; it could have increased by a minimum 5 to 7%, by now. It is not uncommon to mistake literacy from education. How is literacy different from education? What makes us literate? What makes us educated? Literacy is the ability of an individual to read and write; it empowers an individual with knowledge and thereby makes one competent. Education empowers us to develop mental, aesthetic and moral faculties. However this can be possible only if education makes us think, question, aware, conscious and sensitize us.
How often have we developed cold feet about studying, when in School? L.K.G, U.K.G plus another 10 years looked like an eternity and would shudder at the prospect of another 7 years of education. Since we get things on a platter, we barely value education. There was an Abraham Lincoln, who was not lucky as most of us are and studied under street lights; A Brooker.T.Washington (coal miner) who literally gave his sweat and blood for education. In the course of this road that we traverse for 15 to 17 years of our life, I realized the value of education when I stepped into my XI class at St Francis. This is a turning point in everyone’s life when one is at the crossroads of umpteen options thrown at us: Maths, Science, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Economic, History, Literature, Commerce etc. Things are put into perspective when you take your pick; if you savour and devour your subjects nothing like it and if that empowers and equips you to excel in your career, what better can you ask for? I know the value of education and learning. Hence I had been persistent and adamant to pursue PG.
While studying in Rosary Covent High School, I had an intense ambition to become an IAS Officer, as a tiny tot, adolescent and teenager. Man proposes and God disposes! What I thought? And what I eventually became today? What started as working on a lark, as a part-timer actually became a grave career option. I became more inclined towards writing and honed my skills at various workshops I attended at College. Scales have been in my favour and 50% of my work that I do now is writing, writing and writing. I’m happy and content to have arrived where I always wanted to be.
Are they more C’s to Carol than just Candid?
Prescrap: Randomly noted all the C’s I could possibly conjure up about me; that stand next only to candid.
First comes my name CAROL: a joyous Christmas song. I ve been blessed with a mellifluous voice. Been a part of school and church choir . Now barely have time to join choir. Thanks to my jet-setting schedule.
CONFIDENCE: One of my USP’s. Should be a USP of every person as its one trait that boosts your morale. No confidence, No Company. For the uninitiated, USP is Ultra Selling Point.
COMMUNICATION: I swear by interaction! Love debates, elocutions, negotiations. Won first prize in debate competition at ST Francis, while pursuing my XII.At work, being a communicator is a liability: Drive campaigns, Surveys, articulate the voices of different entities at work, informing and educating everyone about concerned policies, protocols and procedures at work.
CREATIVE: There’s no dearth for creative people and I’m one of them. Love creative spins on things!
CANDID & CANDOUR: Freedom from prejudice and malice.
CHILD: I’m mad to achieve what I want and a child to enjoy what I achieve.
CURIOUS: Curiosity killed the Cat and satisfaction brought it back!
CUTE: My Pic to the left will speak for itself.
CUNNING: You scratch my back and I will surely scratch yours.
CARING: Certainly this brave thing at College and Work but warm at home.
C00L: Resolved never to lose my cool amidst trials/trying times. Losing my cool gives me only splitting headaches.
CHATTER: Was labelled a chatter-box by every other Teacher at School and College. Thankfully at work, I’m a communicator.
COFFEE: Like it whipped: Hot and Cold. Arts college promises a great hot coffee; while prefer Cold at work (Barista only).
COHERENT: Aesthetically ordered and integrated.
CONSISTENT: I don’t go on a wild goose chase. I know what I want, where will I get and how to get it! Clarity and intelligibility is a must to achieve your goals.
CLEAVAGE: A natural asset, never dared to flaunt it though coz I barely party! Its ok to show a hint of it for aesthetic purposes.At college it’s hunky dory but at work it’s a NO, NO.
COMPETITION: Advocate a healthy competition. Not scared of competitions. One should compete against oneself.
COOPERATION: Countries should learn to resolve issues through Cooperation and not Conflict and Competition.
COOKING: Know basics. One dish I’m perfect at is Paneer Korma. Cook only when Mom’s unwell and if she‘s out-of-town.
CHILL: We all love chilling out! Why not??
COG in the wheel: Will never think twice to champion the causes I believe in.
CONUNDRUM: We all occasionally are puzzles/riddles to others and ourselves.
CLEVER: How will I ever survive in a hardcore corporate environment sans this trait?
CORPORATE: Ostensibly its success and growth that becomes the yardstick to test a person’s caliber. I’m more than happy that Integrity is put on a pedestal in the Organization I work with. Work smarter and harder, in tandem.
CHEERS: A shout of applause and encouragement works wonders!
CHUTZPAH: One thing that sets me apart… Have oodles of gall and nerve.
First comes my name CAROL: a joyous Christmas song. I ve been blessed with a mellifluous voice. Been a part of school and church choir . Now barely have time to join choir. Thanks to my jet-setting schedule.
CONFIDENCE: One of my USP’s. Should be a USP of every person as its one trait that boosts your morale. No confidence, No Company. For the uninitiated, USP is Ultra Selling Point.
COMMUNICATION: I swear by interaction! Love debates, elocutions, negotiations. Won first prize in debate competition at ST Francis, while pursuing my XII.At work, being a communicator is a liability: Drive campaigns, Surveys, articulate the voices of different entities at work, informing and educating everyone about concerned policies, protocols and procedures at work.
CREATIVE: There’s no dearth for creative people and I’m one of them. Love creative spins on things!
CANDID & CANDOUR: Freedom from prejudice and malice.
CHILD: I’m mad to achieve what I want and a child to enjoy what I achieve.
CURIOUS: Curiosity killed the Cat and satisfaction brought it back!
CUTE: My Pic to the left will speak for itself.
CUNNING: You scratch my back and I will surely scratch yours.
CARING: Certainly this brave thing at College and Work but warm at home.
C00L: Resolved never to lose my cool amidst trials/trying times. Losing my cool gives me only splitting headaches.
CHATTER: Was labelled a chatter-box by every other Teacher at School and College. Thankfully at work, I’m a communicator.
COFFEE: Like it whipped: Hot and Cold. Arts college promises a great hot coffee; while prefer Cold at work (Barista only).
COHERENT: Aesthetically ordered and integrated.
CONSISTENT: I don’t go on a wild goose chase. I know what I want, where will I get and how to get it! Clarity and intelligibility is a must to achieve your goals.
CLEAVAGE: A natural asset, never dared to flaunt it though coz I barely party! Its ok to show a hint of it for aesthetic purposes.At college it’s hunky dory but at work it’s a NO, NO.
COMPETITION: Advocate a healthy competition. Not scared of competitions. One should compete against oneself.
COOPERATION: Countries should learn to resolve issues through Cooperation and not Conflict and Competition.
COOKING: Know basics. One dish I’m perfect at is Paneer Korma. Cook only when Mom’s unwell and if she‘s out-of-town.
CHILL: We all love chilling out! Why not??
COG in the wheel: Will never think twice to champion the causes I believe in.
CONUNDRUM: We all occasionally are puzzles/riddles to others and ourselves.
CLEVER: How will I ever survive in a hardcore corporate environment sans this trait?
CORPORATE: Ostensibly its success and growth that becomes the yardstick to test a person’s caliber. I’m more than happy that Integrity is put on a pedestal in the Organization I work with. Work smarter and harder, in tandem.
CHEERS: A shout of applause and encouragement works wonders!
CHUTZPAH: One thing that sets me apart… Have oodles of gall and nerve.
CASH: Shobha De once commented in a talk show that “cash is sexier than sex today.” For me it’s only a TOOL to live life but NOT life.
PS: This is all I can think of, will keep adding, when I come across more C's I can relate to.
Scathing Stereotypes

Stereotype is therefore is a ‘DISTORTED’ version; a fixed and a commonly held notion.In India, most often if a girl sports casual Jeans and wears Make-up and Lipstick, she is termed to be ‘FAST’. A boy stereotypically loves Gadgets and Widgets. If a Boss’s secretary is an ugly woman, she must be trapped in a harried marriage but if she looks great then she is certainly sleeping with her Boss! There were times when students who opt for MPC and BPC can stay rest assured of a promising Career and reap success; while those who opt for Literature, History and Social sciences will only end up being teachers and lecturers and hence have to live with a not-so great career. Mindsets and such misconceptions have definitely changed for good today!
Two roles that are globally stereotyped: Gender roles. From time immemorial, a Man has to be aggressive, strong, confident, competent, provider and protector. A woman is naturally a homemaker; it’s ok and fair enough to be dumb (her better-half will lend her moral support); submissive, emotional and passive. This conditioning of gender roles takes deep root in an infant’s mind, when the child becomes conscious and aware of the predicament at home. With stereotypes come great expectations. Therefore when a person doesn’t match or fit that prejudiced notion, s/he feels oppressed and smothered.There has been a paradigm shift/switch in gender roles today. Women have not only invaded male bastions but also busted the glass ceiling. You name it and we women have already made a mark in every domain and facets of life. Might I champion the cause of men, do we not have men who are scrawny and lean? Some men who prefer culinary and cooking to snazzy cars and gadgets? Men who carved a niche for themselves as chefs, fashion designers, flight stewards etc.
Back home in India, Parents wish to live and fulfill their dreams through their children. I’m more than happy to have wonderful parents who gave me the freedom to make my choices and follow my heart. What if I had selfish parents who would shove choices down my throat? Then it’s no longer a choice. Life is not about living the rigmarole of earning, making money, bequeathing it to children and making them happy. I believe life is all about living your own dreams and choices, making mistakes and learning from them: you fall, you rise and you dust and get on with life.
Why do we more often than not have preconceived and assumed notions of someone or something? Why the heck are we conditioned to stereotype? And do it unconsciously sometimes? Do we find it hard to accept a person as s/he is? Each person is thereby unique and different: Perceptions, aspirations, attitudes and ethos vary from person to person. So what’s cool? What’s in?
I. Being comfortable in your own skin.
II. Being forthright about what you want.
III.Standing up for what you believe is right.
IV.Living your dreams despite the odds that are stacked against you.
We should no longer be only hearers of the motto “Live and Let Live” and confine it to our friend’s autograph books; we must also be the doers of the motto!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Best Of Both Worlds

Amongst other colleges of OU, Arts college building is the most BEAUTIFUL! This GIGANTIC building is certainly a piece de resistance and an intriguing piece of Art that links to a fascinating past. It’s a two storey building: Ground floor is modelled on British/ English Architecture; 1 st floor on Hindu and 2nd floor on Muslim/Nizam Architecture. OU is a legacy left by the last Nizam of Hyderabad: Mir Osman Ali Khan, who was noted for possessing the largest Wardrobe in the World, in his times. There are many other interesting facts about him. This one memory of him that stands apart from the rest is a ramification of my current obsession with clothes, at this phase of my life.
OU is one of the few places in Hyderabad that swears by greenery. The lush green lawns morph as perfect lounging zones for students, friends, lovers and sundry.
Library is a perfect haven for book-worms and voracious readers like me. It’s HUGE and one can actually get lost in it! But since I have to rush to Work after College, I don’t find ample time to indulge the reader in me . That’s SAD and a Concern for me but to gain something, you have to let go of some things. However Life always replaces what we lose! It asks you to put down something as it prepares you to pick up something greater! A striking aspect of our college is the Classrooms where Benches are structured and built in steps. This only augments our feel-good factor of belonging to this college of a glorious past. Arts college per se is a MAZE. When I went to give my entrance exam for the first time, the pursuit of ferreting out my classroom was like a Treasure Hunt! Now it’s apparently not a herculean task to find my class.
The USP of our college is our PROFESSORS; they are each an Institution per se. I’m privileged to be a part of a college that boasts of the best faculty in India. I was bored to death by lectures, when in St Francis, while pursuing graduation. What brings me to Arts College, apart from its pomp and splendour? It’s the lectures dished out by well read, bred, qualified, learned, wise, prudent, smart and scholarly Professors.
My Classmates are a RIOT. We are a class of 55: 40% comprise the masses from villages and towns; 5% are Firangs from Moscow, Iraq, Riyadh, Dubai and I belong to the 10% from the City. Men from the masses can be mistaken for Thugs. They prefer to walk in amidst on-going classes sans excusing themselves and also wish to walk out vice versa. Does this unruly behaviour emerge out of leniency of pursuing PG? Or because they are from a rustic background? The rest of us don’t do that! We take permission and excuse ourselves before walking in or out. Firangs who make up 5% of our class are a good company. They tell us places in Hyderabad and India we have never been to and therefore know better than us! This holds true to any of us who travel to different Places. My friend Komal (the only confidant at college) and I are the youngest in the class. 10% are girls out of which 3% to 4% are already married. Since we Indians are heterogeneous people, living in a Pluralistic Country; we adapt, adopt, modify and change. Despite our drastic differences, we all have a ball!
Life is a roller coaster ride for me as I shuttle between College and Work. I just love this phase of my life as I’m fortunate to relish the best of both Worlds that leaves me enriched each day, with renewed vigor, energy and enthusiasm.
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