Stereotype is therefore is a ‘DISTORTED’ version; a fixed and a commonly held notion.In India, most often if a girl sports casual Jeans and wears Make-up and Lipstick, she is termed to be ‘FAST’. A boy stereotypically loves Gadgets and Widgets. If a Boss’s secretary is an ugly woman, she must be trapped in a harried marriage but if she looks great then she is certainly sleeping with her Boss! There were times when students who opt for MPC and BPC can stay rest assured of a promising Career and reap success; while those who opt for Literature, History and Social sciences will only end up being teachers and lecturers and hence have to live with a not-so great career. Mindsets and such misconceptions have definitely changed for good today!
Two roles that are globally stereotyped: Gender roles. From time immemorial, a Man has to be aggressive, strong, confident, competent, provider and protector. A woman is naturally a homemaker; it’s ok and fair enough to be dumb (her better-half will lend her moral support); submissive, emotional and passive. This conditioning of gender roles takes deep root in an infant’s mind, when the child becomes conscious and aware of the predicament at home. With stereotypes come great expectations. Therefore when a person doesn’t match or fit that prejudiced notion, s/he feels oppressed and smothered.There has been a paradigm shift/switch in gender roles today. Women have not only invaded male bastions but also busted the glass ceiling. You name it and we women have already made a mark in every domain and facets of life. Might I champion the cause of men, do we not have men who are scrawny and lean? Some men who prefer culinary and cooking to snazzy cars and gadgets? Men who carved a niche for themselves as chefs, fashion designers, flight stewards etc.
Back home in India, Parents wish to live and fulfill their dreams through their children. I’m more than happy to have wonderful parents who gave me the freedom to make my choices and follow my heart. What if I had selfish parents who would shove choices down my throat? Then it’s no longer a choice. Life is not about living the rigmarole of earning, making money, bequeathing it to children and making them happy. I believe life is all about living your own dreams and choices, making mistakes and learning from them: you fall, you rise and you dust and get on with life.
Why do we more often than not have preconceived and assumed notions of someone or something? Why the heck are we conditioned to stereotype? And do it unconsciously sometimes? Do we find it hard to accept a person as s/he is? Each person is thereby unique and different: Perceptions, aspirations, attitudes and ethos vary from person to person. So what’s cool? What’s in?
I. Being comfortable in your own skin.
II. Being forthright about what you want.
III.Standing up for what you believe is right.
IV.Living your dreams despite the odds that are stacked against you.
We should no longer be only hearers of the motto “Live and Let Live” and confine it to our friend’s autograph books; we must also be the doers of the motto!
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