One-for-One I think is the best option in curbing down the high incidence of AIDS. Sex is something done at an age when one is married. Nobody can teach you. Finally imparting Sex education is like arming Bush with information that Saddam Hussein has biological weapons, who in his immaturity went forward to wage a war with Iraq without being sure of it. If this is the plight of a forty five plus, then what about the teenagers??
The last argument that we postulated was a seamless conclusion as it ends in a question. The above piece like I had mentioned is just mine. My friends Niharika and Dwithya had oodles to talk about being against Sex education in educational institutions. We channeled all our energies to work towards one goal: Win the debate competition. So we might be FOR Sex education but had to fight AGAINST as we had no choice. I don’t know what views they hold personally but 4 years down the line today and perennially I advocate AGAINST Sex education in schools and colleges. This is something that should be imparted at home by parents without any inhibitions or second thoughts and also freedom from embarrassment. The prime support system for any student/individual is his parents and family. Parents should take charge and guide their wards instead of hushing/pushing it under the Carpet. If they don’t, it is congenital that the kids will seek for it elsewhere and thereby fall back on unreliable sources that will only cause more harm than good!
PS: I still have my essays/debates written on archaic paper (4 yrs back and older also) that will shred if you hold it hard. I’m glad I have this put up on the Blog so that I needn’t worry incase it shreds into pieces. Thoughts, suggestions, jibes, scorn are more than welcome! People do let me know whats your take on it…
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