Sex education is imparting education about human anatomy, usage of organs and nothing more. Nobody ever tells you where you do it, how you do it and when you do it? But the modern scenario begs to differ. Todays youth fall a prey to the media and are exposed to the precautions of avoiding pregnancy and Aids like Condoms, Diaphragms, Pills, Spermicide and so on through Television, Newspapers, Magazines and the like; which depict Sex as the most pleasurable thing: An ECSTASY.
First I would like to pose a question as to why there is an alarming rise in AIDS? One of the major reasons for the high incidence of AIDS is casual Sex and why is there casual Sex? It is pervasive because teachers impart vague information to the students and thus they heed to casual Sex. Therefore by imparting Sex education, teachers put the students in adult situations which give them an impetus to make adult choices. It’s loading the child with information and depriving them of using it which can be connoted as nothing but giving the child a lollipop and asking them not to eat it! Let’s face it, the Western culture too is looking at the East for means and ways to reinstate morality and ethics back into their ethical system. Conservative India, has always taught its people especially women to be chaste, pure and most of all to be loyal to one partner throughout your life. The teenagers find it comfortable to receive such information from their parents than teachers. One gets to learn about the scientific hogwash but its infact the parents who can put the kids at ease without being embarrassed. Let’s face it; the Teacher gets paid for it!
Infact a recent Survey by Times of India shows that teachers in government schools and colleges are given 5 months training classes to impart Sex education and win over their confidence so that they open up. The Survey also throws light on the fact that they are made to put their questions on the paper. The research says that many students came up with questions like gays, lesbians, masturbation and how many partners one can have Sex with. The Survey clearly states that when the boy asked the last question, the teacher put a straight face and was stupefied. She was unable to impart the apt information: Sex is a vast subject and in the course of imparting basic knowledge, there is a high possibility of mincing matters. This leads to half-baked knowledge which is a dangerous thing and that leads to casual Sex which further results in high incidence of AIDS subsequently. Hence by giving information, one is only pumping their curiosity and making them more inquisitive.
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