To sense is to perceive by means of sense Organs: eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. We all are fascinated by varied sights, sounds, scents, taste and touch. Aesthetics form one of the nuances of writing and one can be responsive to and appreciate beauty through senses only. Hence one can write only when one’s senses are evoked!
William Henry Davis in his poem "Leisure" draws our attention to the very first line:
“What life is this full of care, we have no time to stand and stare…” Standing and staring at something is passé; one thing we don’t empathize with today’s modern scenario. Where on earth do we have time to stand and stare at the azure skies or the birds on the tree? We know that we are goofing up fatally on our health and yet we cannot wean away from our jet-setting and grueling schedules. At work we do say Cheers profusely on every win and accomplishment but how often do we appreciate the beauty around us and exclaim the sight of the sunrise and sunset? Samantha, the facilitator was driving the same point home and emphasized on senses that are indispensable to creative writing. One must have the patience to convince through the senses to write. Only when we were made to do some activities we could recount and recall a host of sights we come across in our daily existence.
Below is the list of my Favourites-
Sounds: Violin, Guitar, Piano, flowing River, Waterfalls, Raindrops, Chopper, rustle of Leaves, Sound of Swing, Cry of a Baby, swoosh of Brooms, Siren of a Train, Buzz at home, college and work.
Scents/Odours: Coffee, wet Mud, Petrol, Kerosene, Nail Polish, Oil Paints, Air Fresheners, Biryani and Armani.
Touch: Lap of my Mother, Hug from a friend, Pat from my Papa, Sand, Chiffon, Georgette, Lycra, Soft Sand (found in Desert).
Taste: Definitely will be what I eat and drink.
Sights: Sunrise, Sunset, Waterfalls, Dams, Scenic/Picturesque beauty, colossal ocean, Greenery, Boulevards, Sky Scrapers, Endless roads and seamless highways.
Any genre of writing especially poetry is often interspersed with the above things that we perceive through our senses. The word sense has many takers for definition. Apart from sense organs, intelligence, common sense, judgment, wisdom and sensibility are the ingredients that form the recipe for writing.
PS: People, do write to me about your favourite lists of Sounds, Scents, Sights, Touch and Taste. I also wrote “Sights I SEE” and “Jest a sweet Memory” in the Workshop.
They should be up in a few moments:-)
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